Arabic-L:PEDA: AALIM Study Abroad Programs

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Wed Sep 28 12:50:18 UTC 2011

Arabic-L: Wed 28 Sep 2011
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at<mailto:dilworth_parkinson at>>
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1) Subject:AALIM Study Abroad Programs

Date: 28 Sep 2011
From:Driss Cherkaoui <aalimorocco at<mailto:aalimorocco at>>
Subject:AALIM Study Abroad Programs

AALIM, the Arab American Language Institute in Morocco<>

Here is the announcement:

AALIM Announces Partnership with University of Moulay Ismail in Morocco

AALIM, the Arab American Language Institute in Morocco, is very pleased to announce new study abroad opportunities for its students. AALIM is known for high-quality intensive Arabic language and culture studies in its center in Meknes, Morocco. AALIM is fully accredited by the Moroccan Ministry of Education. AALIM programs include language and culture classes both during summer session and the academic year and have  been very popular with  students.

AALIM, in cooperation with the University of Moulay Ismail in Meknes (UMI), now offers university courses in English on diverse topics such as anthropology, geopolitical issues, gender issues with a focus on North Africa, the history of Morocco, political structures, among others. These courses carry university credit from UMI, and run for 12 weeks during either the fall or spring semester. Students concurrently study French or Arabic at the AALIM center. Very advanced students of Modern Standard Arabic may attend regular university classes at Moulay Ismail conducted in Modern Standard Arabic for Moroccan students.

Students enrolled in UMI through AALIM continue to enjoy AALIM staff's personal attention and dedicated support, while benefiting from courses on a university campus and extending the range of subjects they can study in Meknes. AALIM's office is located in its educational center in Meknes, is staffed with trained teachers and support staff and open all year. AALIM's US offices are in Virginia.

Enrollment deadline for AALIM-UMI spring semester 2012 is November 15, 2011. Contact AALIM for all program details:aalimorocco at<mailto:aalimorocco at>.

Enrollment deadline is December 1, 2011 for AALIM-only spring semester and AALIM's 3 week intensive Arabic program (60 class hours) Dec 28-Jan 13.

Financial aid available for all semester programs run by AALIM.<>
Email aalimorocco at yahoo

End of Arabic-L:  28 Sep 2011

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