Arabic-L:LING:New Book:Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam

Dilworth Parkinson dilworthparkinson at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jul 10 15:41:45 UTC 2012

Arabic-L: Tue 10 Jul 2012
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1) Subject:New Book:Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam

Date: 10 Jul 2012
From:msyfried at
Subject:New Book:Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam

                     The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                  The Institute of Asian and African Studies
                   The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation

                    is pleased to announce the publication of

                      Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam

                          vol. 37(2010) 331  pp.

                       Studies in honour of Aryeh Levin I


Y. Friedmann and  S. Hopkins,  Aryeh Levin: a scholarly biography

  Aryeh Levin: list of publications

G. Ayoub, La description sémantique du verbe dans le Kitāb de Sībawayhi

I. Ferrando, Sībawayhi and the broken plural

K. Versteegh, Pidgin Arabic and arabi sa`ab:  the influence of the standard
language in the history of Arabic

ناصر الدين أبوخضير, أثر تحديد العامل النحوي في الخلاف بين البصريين والكوفيين

A. Sadan, The meaning of the technical term jawāb in Arabic grammar

A. Kasher, The terminology of vowels and i`rāb in medieval Arabic
grammatical tradition

Y. Peled, The influence of the standard language in the history of Arabic

Sh. Alon, Some of the sources of Ibn Manẓūr’s Lisān al-`arab

J. Blau, New prepositions in mediaeval Judaeo-Arabic

O. Kapeliuk, Some special features of Ethio-Semitic morphology and syntax:
inalienables and intimate relationship in Amharic

N. Basal, Mediaeval Jewish and Muslim cultures:  an anonymous
 Judaeo-Arabic adaptation of Ibn Jinnī’s al-Luma`

F. Corriente, Imālah and other phonemic and morphological features in
sub-dialectal Andalusī Arabic

J. Aguadé,  The word for “nine” in Moroccan Arabic and other euphemisms
related to numbers

M. Bar-Asher,   The Maghribī sharḥ to Tractate Avot

M. Muranyi, Eine islamische Rechtsfrage über Entschädigungen zwischen
Muslimen und Christen. Ein Beitrag zur Textentwicklung und Textkritik in der


M. Muranyi, Adam Gacek. The Arabic manuscript tradition. A glossary of
technical terms and bibliography

K. Dmitriev, Georges Tamer. Zeit und Gott. Hellenistische Zeitvorstellungen
in der altarabischen Dichtung und im Koran

F.S. Stewart, Kurt Franz. Vom Beutezug zur Territorialherrschaft: das lange
Jahrhundert des Aufstiegs von Nomaden zur Vormacht in Syrien und
Mesopotamien, 286-420/889-1029. Beduinische Gruppen in mittelislamischer
Zeit I

                 Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam

                     vol. 38(2011) 427  pp.

                 Studies in honour of Aryeh Levin II


A. Borg, Phonological and lexical notes on an Arabic manual of Morisco folk

C. Holes, A participial infix construction of eastern Arabia – an ancient
pre-diasporic feature?

A. Geva Kleinberger, A text in the Arabic dialect of the Druze of `Ayn
Qinyi, the Golan heights

O. Jastrow,  Qadāmčīye in Mardin

M. Shawārbah, The imālah in some Bedouin dialects in the Negev

O. Shachmon, Pausal final imāla in central Palestinian dialects

A. Gaash, The development of t from suffix to prefix in neo-Arabic dialects
and contemporary colloquial Hebrew

Y. Marom, The fisherman and the wishing ring: a text from the Tarabīn

W. Arnold, “Die Kommunisten müssen Leid ertragen!” Ein Text im arabischen
Dialekt von Isdud (Ashdod)

G.M. Rosenbaum, The influence of colloquial Arabic on the language of the
modern Egyptian press

F.H. Stewart, The word xamsah in Bedouin language and law

A.A. Hussein, The rise and decline of naqā’iḍ poetry


M. Marmorstein, Michael Waltisberg. Satzkomplex und Funktion: Syndese und
Asyndese im Althocharabischen

Y. Lev, Dionisius A. Agius. Classic ships of Islam. From Mesopotamia to the
Indian Ocean

D. DeWeese, Islamisation de l'Asie centrale: Processus locaux
d'acculturation du VIIe au XIe siècle. Étienne de la Vaissière, ed.

K. Bauer, Jutta Gisela Sperling and Shona Kelly Wray, eds. Across the
religious divide: women, property and law in the wider Mediterranean (ca.

R. Milstein, Finbarr B. Flood. Objects of translation: material culture and
medieval “Hindu-Muslim” encounter


Special offer: Complete set of JSAI (38 volumes): $950 (special offers for
direct sales only, not through booksellers). Each volume: $49.
Postage and handling: $4.00 for the  first volume; $3.00 for  each
additional volume.  Individuals only may join the association “From
Jāhiliyya to Islam”.  Membership costs $69. For their dues, members receive
 two  volumes of JSAI and a 30% discount  on all Schloessinger Memorial
Foundation publications.

Cheques  payable  to “The Hebrew University - Schloessinger Memorial
Foundation” should be sent to the Director of Publications,  The Max
 Schloessinger Memorial Foundation, Institute  of   Asian and African
 Studies, The  Hebrew University,  Jerusalem 91905, Israel.

Please note that we cannot accept Eurocheques or credit cards, but personal
and institutional cheques in your currency are accepted.

Inquiries: E-mail: msjsai at / Fax: +972-2-588-3658

With best regards,

Yohanan Friedmann

Institute of Asian and African Studies
The Hebrew University
Jerusalem 91905

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