Arabic-L:PEDA:Michigan Symposium on Arabic Language Teaching

Dilworth Parkinson dilworthparkinson at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 12 14:03:47 UTC 2014

Arabic-L: Mon 12 May 2014
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Michigan Symposium on Arabic Language Teaching

Date: 12 May 2014
From: Wafa N Hassan <wafa.hassan at>
Subject: Michigan Symposium on Arabic Language Teaching

“Michigan Symposium on Arabic Language Teaching”
Sponsored by Western Michigan University
Department of World Languages and Literature
Dear K-16 Arabic language teachers in MI and the USA,
You are cordially invited to attend the first “Symposium on Teaching Arabic
Language” The event is a full day conference that includes many sessions on
topics that are vital to the success of teaching Arabic in the United
States and the World.  Speakers that are well known in the field will
address crucial topics such as: When teaching Arabic as a foreign or a
second language; is it necessary to teach grammar?  When and why? In
addition to many presentations on Arabic teaching resources, curriculum,
and research based teaching literature. The program also includes cultural
activities and multiple opportunities to network and meet colleagues in the
field of teaching
All in-service and future teachers of Arabic, language coordinators, school
principals, and school district administrators are welcome. NO registration
fee. All conference activities are covered. Saturday June 21, 2014 from
8:30 to 4:30 Conference guests will have the opportunity to visit the Arab
American National Museum from 5:00-7:00
Place: Adobe Hotel Dearborn/Detroit -Address: 600 Town Center Dr, Dearborn,
MI 48126
Please confirm your attendance to Dr. Wafa Hassan wafa.hassan at  same
day registration is available.

Dr. Wafa Hassan
Director of MI Arabic Teachers’ Council
Department of World Languages and Literatures
517 Sprau Tower
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
wafa.hassan at

End of Arabic-L: 12 May 2014
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