[Athapbasckan-L] 2025 Dene Languages Conference

Gary Holton holton at hawaii.edu
Tue May 7 20:37:28 UTC 2024

iishuh Alex!

Thanks so much for prompting this long overdue discussion. Happy to help
in any way I can.


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On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 9:42 AM Alessandro Jaker <amjaker at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Dene linguists and Dene friends,
> It has now been 5 years since we had a Dene languages conference. Perhaps
> like many of you, I have been reluctant to ask about the next conference,
> for fear that people would then ask me to organize it myself :) But at this
> point I am willing to take that risk, since the Dene Languages Conference
> is something which has always been very important to our community.
> First let's review where we left off. At the 2019 conference, we agreed
> that the next conference (in 2020) would be hosted by the Kenaitze Indian
> Tribe of Kenai, Alaska, and the following year (2021) would be hosted by a
> First Nation in Northern BC. I do not remember the name of the specific
> First Nation. Obviously, that didn't happen because of Covid 19. However, I
> think those two communities should have first dibs on whether or not they
> want to host the next conference. I contacted the Kenaitze Indian Tribe and
> they said they would not be ready to host a conference in 2025, but they
> might still be interested for 2026. So the question is: does that First
> Nation from Northern BC still want to host a 2025 conference? If there is
> anyone from that First Nation on this email list, please let us know if you
> are still interested.
> If I do not hear back from anyone within about a month, I will look into
> organizing a conference in Yellowknife in June 2025. I can't promise
> anything yet, since I have to get permission and apply for funding, but
> I've made it happen before so I can probably do it again. So if we go down
> that road we can tentatively plan on a Yellowknife conference in June 2025
> and a Kenai, Alaska conference in 2026.
> Please feel free to share any thoughts to this list, and like I said, if
> there is anyone from Northern BC on this list that is still interested in
> hosting a conference please do let us know.
> Mársı cho,
> ɂAlesı́
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