[Athapbasckan-L] 2025 Dene Languages Conference

James Kari jmkari at alaska.edu
Tue May 14 00:09:41 UTC 2024

this Athabaskan listserve has never experienced any growth. It has never
bridged the
academic/ non-academic  audiences.  nor does it reflect the
interdisciplinary potential for 35 to  40  Na-Dene language areas,
ethnobiology, folklore, ethnohistory, archaeology, genetics.
CAn  James Crippen weigh in on this discussion?

On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 1:51 PM Alessandro Jaker <amjaker at gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is a link where people can subscribe. However, it still needs the
> moderator's approval, so we need to get in touch with James Crippen.
> https://listserv.linguistlist.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/athapbasckan-l
> Alex
> On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 4:41 PM Alessandro Jaker <amjaker at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The moderator is James Crippen, however I suspect he no longer uses his
>> old email address. His new contact info is here:
>> https://www.mcgill.ca/linguistics/james-crippen
>> Alex
>> On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 4:06 PM James Kari <jmkari at alaska.edu> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm happy to hear about the 2025 conf being in B.C. Re 2026, please add
>>> Jennifer Wiliiams to the Listserve.  We have discussed having a Dene conf
>>> in the Kenai/Soldotna area (perhaps at Kenai Peninsula College). Jennifer
>>> is the head of Dena'ina Lang. Institute.
>>> aLSO Who manages the Listserve? How many persons are on the Listserve?
>>> j. Kari
>>> On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 11:01 AM Moore, Patrick <Patrick.Moore at ubc.ca>
>>> wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> I was able to confirm this morning that Doig River First Nation is
>>>> interested in hosting the Dene Languages Conference next year. They will
>>>> need to work out some of the details about what will be involved with doing
>>>> that, but I was able to confirm their interest.
>>>> A forest fire was burning right across the river from town as we
>>>> talked so they were assessing whether they needed to evacuate. It seemed
>>>> like the interest is there though and this year they hosted a large Beaver
>>>> language gathering (200 people) and a trauma gathering (300 people) so they
>>>> are able to plan and host similar events.
>>>> Patrick Moore
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Athapbasckan-L <
>>>> athapbasckan-l-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> on behalf of Moore,
>>>> Patrick <Patrick.Moore at ubc.ca>
>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 8, 2024 3:54:02 PM
>>>> *To:* Martina Volfova; Alessandro Jaker
>>>> *Cc:* List for the discussion of the Athabaskan language family and
>>>> related languages
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Athapbasckan-L] 2025 Dene Languages Conference
>>>> [*CAUTION:* Non-UBC Email]
>>>> All,
>>>> I am checking with Doig River administration, but I know there was a
>>>> death at Halfway River this week with the funeral tomorrow. Unfortunately
>>>> it was a young man, who I also knew because his mom was the language
>>>> teacher there and he was also an advanced language learner. People at Doig
>>>> River will be attending the funeral so realistically I donʼt expect to get
>>>> any response about the Dene Languages conference until next week. I will
>>>> note that they hosted a large three-day Beaver language gathering this
>>>> spring in Fort St John that had over 200 people in attendance. I know that
>>>> they were planning to build on that momentum next year, so they may well be
>>>> interested in hosting the Dene languages gathering there. Iʼll see if I can
>>>> confirm their interest next week.
>>>> Pat
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Athapbasckan-L <
>>>> athapbasckan-l-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> on behalf of Martina
>>>> Volfova <mvolfova at alumni.ubc.ca>
>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 7, 2024 4:42:06 PM
>>>> *To:* Alessandro Jaker
>>>> *Cc:* List for the discussion of the Athabaskan language family and
>>>> related languages
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Athapbasckan-L] 2025 Dene Languages Conference
>>>> [*CAUTION:* Non-UBC Email]
>>>> Hello everyone!
>>>> This is great! Pat Moore and I just recently spoke about how we would
>>>> love to see another Dene conference soon!
>>>> I am happy to help with things as well.
>>>> Take care,
>>>> Nṓghā́mā* / Martina Volfová*
>>>> * Jānī Kaska Dene Kēyeh nahtsʼį̄́ʼ gūdesdéh. Síkʼādé gekēyeh négetón
>>>> lā.  Didī nī́ʼ síkʼādé geʼī́leh lā, wḗdé kḗgūhtʼḗī. *
>>>> On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 2:13 PM Alessandro Jaker <amjaker at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Mársı to everyone who replied so far.
>>>>> Patrick: Thank you, this is exactly the information I was looking for.
>>>>> Please look into it and let us know.
>>>>> Gary: Yes, for sure we will need abstract reviewers, so I'll put you
>>>>> down for that.
>>>>> Lynda: Mársı for your enthusiasm, we also look forward to seeing you
>>>>> again as well.
>>>>> Have a great day,
>>>>> Alex
>>>>> On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 4:05 PM Moore, Patrick <Patrick.Moore at ubc.ca>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Garry Oker from Doig River First Nation must have offered to host the
>>>>>> Dene Languages Conference at the last one in 2019. I'll check with them to
>>>>>> see if they would want to host that next year in Fort St John.
>>>>>> Pat Moore
>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>> *From:* Athapbasckan-L <
>>>>>> athapbasckan-l-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> on behalf of Gary
>>>>>> Holton <holton at hawaii.edu>
>>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 7, 2024 1:37:28 PM
>>>>>> *To:* List for the discussion of the Athabaskan language family and
>>>>>> related languages
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Athapbasckan-L] 2025 Dene Languages Conference
>>>>>> [*CAUTION:* Non-UBC Email]
>>>>>> iishuh Alex!
>>>>>> Thanks so much for prompting this long overdue discussion. Happy to
>>>>>> help in any way I can.
>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------- Department
>>>>>> of Linguistics Graduate Chair
>>>>>> manoa.hawaii.edu/linguistics
>>>>>> Schedule advising appointments on Google Calendar
>>>>>> <https://calendar.app.google/h2KM8jgdph7hQbVF6>.
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------- Hōʻoia ʻĀina
>>>>>> — Land Acknowledgement
>>>>>> Situated on lands which were ceded under duress, Ke Kulanui o Hawai‘i
>>>>>> ma Mānoa (the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa) strives to be a Native
>>>>>> Hawaiian Place of Learning, committed to the values of aloha ‘āina
>>>>>> <http://manoa.hawaii.edu/nhpol/language-option/pathways/auamo/aloha-aina/>
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 9:42 AM Alessandro Jaker <amjaker at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Dene linguists and Dene friends,
>>>>>>> It has now been 5 years since we had a Dene languages conference.
>>>>>>> Perhaps like many of you, I have been reluctant to ask about the next
>>>>>>> conference, for fear that people would then ask me to organize it myself :)
>>>>>>> But at this point I am willing to take that risk, since the Dene Languages
>>>>>>> Conference is something which has always been very important to our
>>>>>>> community.
>>>>>>> First let's review where we left off. At the 2019 conference, we
>>>>>>> agreed that the next conference (in 2020) would be hosted by the Kenaitze
>>>>>>> Indian Tribe of Kenai, Alaska, and the following year (2021) would be
>>>>>>> hosted by a First Nation in Northern BC. I do not remember the name of the
>>>>>>> specific First Nation. Obviously, that didn't happen because of Covid 19.
>>>>>>> However, I think those two communities should have first dibs on whether or
>>>>>>> not they want to host the next conference. I contacted the Kenaitze Indian
>>>>>>> Tribe and they said they would not be ready to host a conference in 2025,
>>>>>>> but they might still be interested for 2026. So the question is: does that
>>>>>>> First Nation from Northern BC still want to host a 2025 conference? If
>>>>>>> there is anyone from that First Nation on this email list, please let us
>>>>>>> know if you are still interested.
>>>>>>> If I do not hear back from anyone within about a month, I will look
>>>>>>> into organizing a conference in Yellowknife in June 2025. I can't promise
>>>>>>> anything yet, since I have to get permission and apply for funding, but
>>>>>>> I've made it happen before so I can probably do it again. So if we go down
>>>>>>> that road we can tentatively plan on a Yellowknife conference in June 2025
>>>>>>> and a Kenai, Alaska conference in 2026.
>>>>>>> Please feel free to share any thoughts to this list, and like I
>>>>>>> said, if there is anyone from Northern BC on this list that is still
>>>>>>> interested in hosting a conference please do let us know.
>>>>>>> Mársı cho,
>>>>>>> ɂAlesı́
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