[Cadaad] SAVE THE DATE - #12ICOM - 12th International Conference on Multimodality

Serafis, Dimitris d.serafis at rug.nl
Fri May 24 08:26:56 UTC 2024

Dear colleagues,

-- with apologies for cross-posting --

we all had an inspiring time in London in September last year when we
attended the 11th ICOM organized by our colleagues from the University
College London.

As announced during the conference, the next ICOM will be held at the
of Groningen* in the Netherlands. Our team is already working hard on the
preparations, and we are happy to share the dates with you:

*The 12th International Conference on Multimodality, #12ICOM, will take
place on 29-31 October 2025 in Groningen!*

Please spread the word and save the date in your calendars!

More updates soon via our website: 12ICOM Groningen 2025
<https://sites.google.com/rug.nl/12icom> and the usual social media
channels. We can’t wait to host you in the capital of the north!


on behalf of the 12th ICOM Organizing Team
12icom at rug.nl 12ICOM Groningen 2025 <https://sites.google.com/rug.nl/12icom>

Dimitris Serafis, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication & Information Studies
Faculty of Arts
University of Groningen
Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26
9712 EK, Groningen, The Netherlands
Harmonie Building | Room 1312.0413
d.serafis at rug.nl | @DimitriSrf <https://twitter.com/DimitriSrf>
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