[Cadaad] CFP: Discursive Constructions of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Innocent Chiluwa ichiluwa at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 11:00:58 UTC 2024

Dear Sam,
Kindly help to forward this CFP to the CADAAD community. The full details
are as follows:

*Discursive Constructions of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict*

Edited by

Innocent Chiluwa, Heriot-Watt University

Giuliana Tiripelli, De Montfort University

To be published by *Cambridge University Press *

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not only the world’s oldest conflict
but also the most controversial and the most misunderstood. No other
conflict has generated the most news headlines, or stirred up so much
intense passion and debates in world parliaments, disagreements on
campuses, or arguments in international organisations (Waxman, 2019).
Symbolic and ideological constructions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
represent a variety of perspectives as well as diverse interpretations and
representations of the conflict across different media, law reports, policy
statements, religious journals, etc. These varied and often contested
perspectives enable us gain a comprehensive  understanding of the conflict
– about  human struggles and resistance to forces that threaten their

The editors of this oncoming collection seek thoroughly researched academic
studies that will not only contribute to new knowledge through in-depth
analyses of the constructions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but also
highlight how public opinion, perceptions, attitudes and responses to the
conflict might have been influenced or  manipulated by these ideological

We therefore invite researchers, scholars and professionals in conflict and
peace studies, linguistics, journalism, media studies, discourse analysis,
semiotics, political science and cultural studies to submit chapters that
will highlight  interdisciplinary approaches to *Discourse Analysis* to
studying discursive constructions of:

·         media reports

·         online reports/campaigns

·         law reports

·         religious documents

·         political discourses

·         policy statements etc. that

Please, submit an abstract of about *250* words as an email attachment to:

ichiluwa at gmail.com /ic3000 at hw.ac.uk and giulianatiripelli at gmail.com

*Deadline:  December 31, 2024.*

This is a 2-year project and we hope the book should be released by the
Autumn of *2026*.

*Questions & Enquiries to: *

Innocent Chiluwa (ichiluwa at gmail.com

Department of Languages & Intercultural Studies

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

Professor in Language, Media & Communication Studies
Publications: Google Scholar
Website <https://ichiluwa.com>
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