Discussion topics for Friday, 5/28 (Wodak & Reisigl)

Linnea Micciulla lmicciulla at COMCAST.NET
Thu May 27 01:20:20 UTC 2004

Here are some discussion questions for Friday's meeting:

Chapter 5, pp. 205-215

For discussion:

The concepts of legality vs. legitimacy – how are they related? (p. 205)

Theoretical issue: The inter-relatedness of fields of action, genres and
discourse topics is clearly an important aspect of this approach.  How can
these best be discussed in a coherent way? (p. 206-208)

Chapter 6, pp. 263-271

Is it possible to speak in terms of “universalistic values and principles of
justice, e.g. human rights”?  To what extent are these a universal? (p. 263)

What discursive procedures would move a society towards the “deliberate
democracy” W & R propose? (pp. 264-266)

How does critical linguistics contribute to the detection and analysis of
prejudices?  What does it reveal that other disciplines do not? (pp.

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