reading schedule

Lutfi M Hussein lutfi_hussein at YAHOO.COM
Mon Apr 11 04:24:51 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I am very intersted in the readings and the posts on the readings.
But I haven't had a chance to post any responses so far because I am
really swamped, not that others aren't. I am in favor of cutting it
down to one reading per month. Maybe that will prompt me to post

Best wishes, Lutfi
--- Linnea Micciulla <polyglot at BU.EDU> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> What do people think about doing only one one reading this month
> and in
> May? How about during the months after that?  I'm pretty sure I
> won't have
> time to read and comment on two papers a month for the next couple
> of
> months - are other people unusually busy this time of year as well?
>  If you
> have a preference one way or the other, please send an e-mail to
> the list -
> if no one is in favor of continuing at two readings a month, I'd
> like to
> suggest that we cut back to one.
> Best,
> Linnea

Lutfi M Hussein
Email: lutfi_hussein at

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