What would you like to read in 2005?

Kim Spencer kspencer at DARKWING.UOREGON.EDU
Fri Jan 7 17:39:05 UTC 2005

Hi Linnea,

I've been reading this thread as time has allowed, and am very
interested in reading the chapter on Islamophobia. I've just begun my
first class (as an M.A. student in the Language Teaching Specialization
Program at the University of Oregon) in Discourse Analysis, and can't
commit to regular participation in the reading group, but am very
interested in some of the topics mentioned, namely the Media and
Terrorism and Political Discourse Analysis.

I hope it's fine for me to be an observer for now and to participate as
time allows and my familiarity with the field increases.

Thanks so much,

Linnea Micciulla wrote:

>Do you have a preference between reading several articles on the same topic,
>or covering a number of different topics this semester?
>Hala had mentioned to me that she thinks it would be good for us to read
>Richardson's book chapter on Islamophobia.  Whoever would like a copy,
>please send me an e-mail and I'll send it to you.

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