What would you like to read in 2005?

Hala Jawlakh jawlakh at UIUC.EDU
Fri Jan 7 19:10:44 UTC 2005

it seems we have a lot of votes for political discourse.

---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 09:39:05 -0800
>From: Kim Spencer <kspencer at DARKWING.UOREGON.EDU>
>Subject: Re: What would you like to read in 2005?
>Hi Linnea,
>I've been reading this thread as time has allowed, and am
>interested in reading the chapter on Islamophobia. I've just
begun my
>first class (as an M.A. student in the Language Teaching
>Program at the University of Oregon) in Discourse Analysis,
and can't
>commit to regular participation in the reading group, but am
>interested in some of the topics mentioned, namely the Media
>Terrorism and Political Discourse Analysis.
>I hope it's fine for me to be an observer for now and to
participate as
>time allows and my familiarity with the field increases.
>Thanks so much,
>Linnea Micciulla wrote:
>>Do you have a preference between reading several articles
on the same topic,
>>or covering a number of different topics this semester?
>>Hala had mentioned to me that she thinks it would be good
for us to read
>>Richardson's book chapter on Islamophobia.  Whoever would
like a copy,
>>please send me an e-mail and I'll send it to you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hala Jawlakh
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

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