current and future readings

Linnea Micciulla lmicciulla at COMCAST.NET
Wed Jul 6 17:43:07 UTC 2005

Hi everyone,

The last reading we have scheduled is this month's article:

Altheide, D. L., & Michalowski, R. S. (1999). Fear in the news: A 
discourse of control. Sociological Quarterly, 40(3), 475-503.

Looking ahead, I've gone through our postings for the last few months, 
and jotted down some of the articles we've recommended to each other.  
Please let me know if I've missed any that you would like to add to the 
list (below).  Also, there is a special issue of "Journal of Language 
and Politics" that has just come out, including articles by van Dijk, 
Fairclough and Phil Graham  - I've pasted the TOC below, and it looks 
quite interesting.

Let me know if what you think of these readings, or if you have other 


Articles we've recommended to each other:
1) Koller, V. (2005). "Critical discourse analysis and social cognition: 
evidence from business media discourse." Discourse & Society 16(2):
2) Dor, D. (2003).  "On newspaper headlines as relevance optimizers" 
Journal of Pragmatics, Volume 35, Issue 5, Pages 695-721.
3) Christopher N. Candlin and Sally Candlin.  (2003). "HEALTH CARE 
RESEARCH" Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 23, 134-154.
Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 4:1 (2005). Edited by 
Lilie Chouliaraki
Subtitle: The Soft Power of War: Legitimacy and community in Iraq war 

Table of contents

Introduction: The soft power of war: Legitimacy and community in Iraq war discourses - Lilie Chouliaraki 1-10
The language of neofeudal corporatism and the war on Iraq - Phil Graham and Allan Luke 11-39
Blair's contribution to elaborating a new 'doctrine of international community' - Norman L. Fairclough 41-63
War rhetoric of a little ally: Political implicatures and Aznar's legitimatization of the war in Iraq - Teun A. van Dijk 65-91
The Iraq war as curricular knowledge: From the political to the pedagogic divide - Bessie Mitsikopoulou and Dimitris Koutsogiannis 93-117 
Computer games as political discourse: The case of Black Hawk Down - David Machin and Theo van Leeuwen 119-141
Spectacular ethics: On the television footage of the Iraq war - Lilie Chouliaraki 143-159

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