CDA: Kitis&Milapides (1997) (and hubris!)

Linnea Micciulla lmicciulla at COMCAST.NET
Thu Mar 31 04:59:17 UTC 2005

Hi Noriko,

Here are some thoughts I had about the questions you posed:

>  What I think is
>fascinating about this article is that the authors
>uncovered a broader world politics beyond Greece vs.
>Macedonia. The authors implys at the end of the article:
>“Greece is ultimately envisaged as committing hubris
>against some gods that are unidentified but identifiable
>through a critical discourse analysis
>” (p.586). I think the authors are implying the US
>dominance in world politics. Is my understanding on the
>right track?
That sounds right to me - it's funny that the authors do not say
explicitly who "the gods" are! If we take their advice and try to
identify the gods "through a critical discourse analysis" one good
candidate might be "the world", based on the opening sentence of the text:

"Greece is reminding the world that it too is a Balkan country..."

This sets up an "us-them" type contrast where Greece and the world are
separate entities, so that the world doesn't include Greece. The text
also mentions the US, EU and NATO as entities that have the power to
approve or disapprove of Greece's actions. These are all probably
candidates for the "institutionally legitimated hegemony" the authors
point to. Or, since Time is a US magazine and the text is in a section
called, "America Abroad", they could certainly be interpreted as
referring to the US specifically.

>I have one technical question. For me, the most intriguing
>part in this paper was its epilogue (pages585-586). But in
>the most interesting part in this epilogue, I found the
>’ footnote “We owe this observation to Jina Politi.” I
>have never encountered a situation like this. If I need to
>cite this part of the paper, do you think I should refer
>both the authors and Jina Politi?
I think I would cite just the authors - there's no indication that Jina
Politi has published her suggestion anywhere, and citing Kitis and
Milapides would point to the acknowledgment of Jina Politi indirectly.

>Have a nice week.
>Best wishes,
>Noriko Sugimori
>20 Chestnut Street #204, Cambridge, MA 02139
>tel & fax 617-494-6497
>〒939-8051 富山市大泉中部123 秋本方
>tel & fax 076-421-1337

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