
anne mareck afmareck at CHARTER.NET
Thu Nov 3 13:57:41 UTC 2005

Hi Wafa,  great to hear from you. I haven't participated on the CDA list
much (more of a lurker)  and only very minimally introduced myself  once
(some time ago). So, hopefully this will serve as another introduction.


My specific interest is more focused toward scientific texts-such as
research reports and the ways scientists sometimes construct rhetorical
arguments within what is claims to be a purely 'objective'  and 'empirical'
work. I think about things like 'bold' v. 'timid' discursive styles and how
/if those personality tendencies might effect the way in which a scientist's
work is received.


I'm also interested in the way such scientific research data eventually
makes its way into public discourse and the rhetorical.discursive changes it
goes through during this process.  For example, the way a science writer
reinterprets a text for a lay public and the discursive/ideological
changes-hegemonic overlays which result-and which influence the public..and
perhaps, eventually, public decision making.


To this end, I pay close attention to newly published work in the journals
'Nature' and 'Science' , in particular articles that seem to empirically
construct human beings and/or society in specific ways, and I also subscribe
to a variety of Google news alerts on the same subjects. This juxtaposition
of texts definitely keeps me busy.


Thanks for asking. sure do enjoy these discussions




Salimos de la ignorancia y llegamos asi nuevamenta a la ignorancia, pero a
una ignorancia mas rica, mas completa, hecha de pequenas e infinitas
                         ----Ernesto Sabato, Sobre Heroes y Tumbas


-----Original Message-----
From: wafa mudhaffar [mailto:wafamudhaffar2005 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 3:04 AM
To: afmareck at charter.net
Subject: hi 


Dear Anne , 


   I have just read your comment to CDA group . I just wanted to ask you
about your area of research . Are attempting the journalistic discourse ? 






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