Special issue of Working Papers on the Web on CDA

Emo Gotsbachner Emo.Gotsbachner at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Thu Feb 15 11:10:18 UTC 2007

Dear Sara Mills,

I wondered what happend to the special issue on CDA you were planning last year, is it already under way? And are you accepting any further contributions? 
If yes, I am political scientist teaching Discourse Analysis and qualitative methods at Vienna University and would have some suggestions how to make DA methodologically more stringent while following its sociological program... My current project is on interpretative frames in televised panel discussions, how political actors try to frame current events and the problem that different audiences make often radically different sense of it. 

Kind regards
Emo Gotsbachner

At 05:47 08.05.06 -0400, you wrote:
>CALL FOR PAPERS: Peter Jones and myself, both of Sheffield Hallam 
>University, (Communications Studies and Linguistics) are putting together 
>a special issue of Working Papers on the Web ( a refereed electronic 
>journal) entitled Engaging with Critical Discourse Analysis.  We would be 
>interested in receiving abstracts for articles which engage with CDA.  By 
>this we mean, there have been a number of articles over the years which 
>have critiqued CDA on a range of different issues: the nature and function 
>of its political stance, the interpretative processes at work in its 
>analyses, its use of linguistics/discourse analysis, and so on.  Some of 
>these critiques have been essentially negative and what we aim to do in 
>this special issue of Working Papers on the Web is to engage 
>constructively with CDA to interrogate some of the claims made by CDA 
>practititioners and evaluate some of the criticisms made of CDA as a 
>Send abstracts or general enquiries to Sara Mills s.l.mills at shu.ac.uk.  To 
>see back issues of Working Papers on the Web, go to www.shu.ac.uk/wpw

Dr Emo Gotsbachner
Universitaet Wien
Institut fuer Politikwissenschaft
Universitaetsstrasse 7
1010 Wien
tel.: *43/1/522 08 70

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