Pitch Accent Placement in Goidelic

Andrew Carnie acarnie at MIT.EDU
Wed May 8 18:03:36 UTC 1996

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Subject: Pitch Accent Placement in Goidelic
From: DA4 at york.ac.uk (David Adger)
Message-Id: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960508173142.5979D-100000 at ebor.york.ac.uk>
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Dear All, does anyone know of any literature on pitch accent placement in
Irish or Gaelic, especially with respect to the placement of "neutral"
sentence stress. I'm interested in what a theory of accentual placement
like Cinque (1993) has to say about languages where perhaps everything
has left VP. I'm aware of the Dublin Institute Studies, and the work of
Borgstrom, Oftedal etc. I was really looking for any recent literature I
might have missed, given my vast ignorance about all matters phonological.

If you post messages direct to me, I'll post a summary to the list, since
this is really just an information request.

Many thanks

David Adger
Dept of Language and Linguistic Science
University of York                           tel: +44 1904 432669
Heslington, York                             fax: +44 1904 432652
YO1 5DD England                              www: http://www.york.ac.uk/~da4

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