Moderator: Listserv Change

Elizabeth J. Pyatt ejp10 at PSU.EDU
Mon Jul 25 17:26:02 UTC 2005

Dear Celtllingers:

In the past the List has been configured so that moderator approval 
was required for each posting. There were a number of good reasons 
for this, but with changing technologies comes new "gotchas".

The "moderator only" setting means that anyone the world can send a 
message. Thus my account is literally receiving about 30 messages of 
spam per day requiring "approval" (I know where to get prescriptions 
and designer watches - cheap!).

Aside from the convenience factor, I am afraid that I will delete a 
genuine message one of these days, and there is always the 
virus/attachment issue to consider.

Therefore I have changed the Listserv configuration to:

* Members Only (Private)
* No approval needed
* Attachments Banned
* Default reply is to list.

The good news is that turn around will be much faster, and the 
possibilities for free discussion will be greater.


BUT since we will be going moderator free, I would like to remind 
people of a few ground rules. These may be obvious to most, but I 
feel they should be stated for the record.

1) Stick to linguistics and Celtic as topics as much as possible. 
There are many other forums to discuss social issues, mythology, 
policy and so forth.

THIS is the only list I know of dedicated to the linguistic analysis 
of Celtic languages in general.

2) Avoid personal attacks. Pretend you are at a professional 
conference or cocktail party, and plan e-mails accordingly. Most of 
you would not "flame" anyone in person or insult their 
sanity/professional reputation/national customs in person,  so why do 
it in e-mail?

3. Remember that although the moderator will not be previewing all 
messages, she will feel free to step in as needed.

So, tip a toe gently in the water (or splah in with both feet) and

Enjoy the new Celtling.


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