6th Celtic Linguistics Conference

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Tue Jul 13 17:49:18 UTC 2010

From Linguist List

6th Celtic Linguistics Conference 
Short Title: CLC6 

Date: 10-Sep-2010 - 12-Sep-2010 
Location: Dublin, Ireland 
Contact: Maire Ni Chiosain 
Contact Email: maire.nichiosain at ucd.ie 

Linguistic Field(s): Morphology; Phonetics; Sociolinguistics 

Language Family(ies): Insular Celtic 
Meeting Description: 

The Sixth Celtic Linguistics Conference will take place from the 10th-12th
September 2010 at University College Dublin. 

6th Celtic Linguistics Conference 


Friday 10 September

Welcome, opening remarks

The Structure of the Gaelic DP: Prepositions, Genitives and Definiteness 
David Adger (Queen Mary, University of London)

Gap and Resumption in Welsh PP 
Ryuichiro Hirata (Bangor University)


Intonation of Irish Dialects: the Wider Context 
Ailbhe Ní Chasaide (Trinity College Dublin)

Tonal Evidence for the Prosodic Hierarchy in Conamara Irish 
Emily Elfner (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Realisation of Sentence Mode in the Intonation of Connemara Irish  
Maria O'Reilly, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide (Trinity College Dublin)

Lightest to the Right: an Apparently Anomalous Displacement in Irish 
Jim McCloskey (University of California, Santa Cruz) with Ryan Bennett (UCSC),
Andrew Dowd (UCSC), Emily Elfner (UMass Amherst)



Saturday 11 September

Clause-initial Particles in a Corpus of Contemporary Spoken Welsh  
Dirk Bury, Peredur Davies (Bangor University)

The Ultimate Jigsaw Puzzle: Acquisition of Gender in Welsh  
Kathryn Morgan Sharp (ESRC Centre for Research on Bilingualism)

Urban Irish Systematically Analyzed - Dialect? Pidgin? Creole?  
Brian Ó Broin (William Patterson University, NJ)


Problems with Compounds in Welsh   
Gwen Awbury (Aberystwyth University)

Irish Plural Allomorphy: Output Optimization vs. Subcategorization  
Ryan Bennett (University of California, Santa Cruz)


Welsh Vocabulary through the Lens of Lexical Typology: Verbs of Rotation 
Elena Parina (Institute of Linguistics RAS, Moscow), V. Krugljakova (Russian
State University for Humanities)

Breton Indefinites 
Melanie Jouitteau (Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle,Université Paris 7)


Round Table: Contributors will include Brian Ó Curnáin (Dublin Institute for
Advanced Studies), Aidan Doyle (University College Cork), Jim McCloskey
(University of California, Santa Cruz), Andrew Carnie (University of Arizona,


Conference dinner

Sunday 12 September

Dependent Verbs and Tense in Modern Irish Morphosyntax 
Paolo Acquaviva (University College Dublin)

A Comparative Perspective on the Negative Cycles in Welsh and Breton 
David Willis (University of Cambridge)


Incomplete Neutralization and Unorthodox Markedness in Breton Laryngeal Phonology 
Pavel Iosad (Universitetet I Tromsø/CASTL)

An Acoustic Phonetic Analysis of Lewis Gaelic Stop Consonants  
Claire Nance, Jane Stuart-Smith (University of Glasgow)

Scottish Gaelic Experimental Phonology: Preliminary Results  
Andrew Carnie (University of Arizona, Tucson)

An Experimental Phonetic Investigation of Irish Initial Consonant Mutations
Pauline Welby (LPL CNRS/Université de Provence), Máire Ní Chiosáin (University
College Dublin), Brian Ó Raghallaigh (Dublin City University)



Stádas na Struchtúr Timchainteacha i Gcóras Briathartha Gaeilge 
Victor Bayda (Stát-Ollscoil Mhoscó)

Grammaticalized Raising in Early Irish  
Dorothy Disterheft (University of South Carolina)

Phono-Morphosyntax, and all points in between: Irish Lenitions and the Prosodic
Joey Windsor (University of Calgary)

Ulster Irish Intonation: Similarities and Differences to Ulster English  
Amelie Dorn & Ailbhe Ní Chasaide (Trinity College Dublin)

Automatic Syllabification for the Irish Text-to-Speech Synthesizer abair.ie - a
Rule-based Approach  
Christoph Wendler, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide (Trinity College Dublin)

Vocalic and Consonantal Quantity in Breton and Welsh  
Katarzyna Bednarska (Catholic University of Lublin)

What can be Discovered in Celtic Languages from the Viewpoint of a Contemporary
Phonological Theory of Representations  
Krzysztof Jasku?a (Catholic University of Lublin)

Exploring Irish Text-to-Speech Synthesis for Educational Purposes  
Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Christoph Wendler, Neasa Ní Chiaráin (Trinity College Dublin)

Dialectometry and Goidelic Linguistics: Applications and Implications
Peadar Ó Muircheartaigh (Oilthigh Dhún Éideann)

English Words in an Irish Context: Code-switching in an Irish Immersion School 
Caitríona Ní Chasaide (University College Dublin)

Further information: 

Máire Ní Chiosáin, School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish Folklore and
Linguistics, University College Dublin (maire.nichiosain at ucd.ie)

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