Clan error - missing SoundLib - Mac

Brenda Schick Brenda.Schick at Colorado.EDU
Tue Aug 28 18:07:46 UTC 2001


Since restoring my computer from a recent major crash, I cannot open Clan.

I get the error message that I am missing a file "SoundLib

Is this a clan file?   Any ideas?  I reinstalled Clan and my system
software (MAC) but I still cannot open clan.




  Brenda Schick, Ph.D.
  Associate Professor
  Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
  2501 Kittredge Loop Road
  Campus Box 409                                (303) 492-7339 v/tty
  University of Colorado                        (303) 492-3274 fax
  Boulder, CO  80309-0409

  email:  brenda.schick at


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