selecting adult tiers

Brian MacWhinney macwhinn at
Wed May 30 10:54:23 UTC 2001

Dear Luca and Info-CHIBolts,
  This is about your question on trying to pull out all the children in a
set of files.
  We have been going through the database fairly systematically trying to
replace children's idiosyncratic names with the standard name *CHI.  Of
course the children are still identified by name or pseudonym in the
@Participants line.  This work was done in conjunction with the general
insertion of a new set of tiers called @ID tiers that we plan to use in
future programs to control exactly the type of analysis you are trying to
  I have no idea what files you are actually looking at.  However, if they
are recent files from the database, I am surprised that some of this is not
already solved.  If they are from some old source, then you should get new
copies.  If they are not from the database, just contributed them and we
will fix the headers!

--Brian MacWhinney

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