Coordinating tiers with CLAN

Charles Watkins charles.watkins at
Tue May 13 21:36:01 UTC 2003

I am glad this has been raised again: I will shortly be getting to a stage
in my research into deixis in bilingual children where it would be extremely
convenient to be able to match grammatical characteristics of a given
deictic (coded on one dependant tier) with its pragmatic characteristics
(coded on a separate tier) and link both to the deictic itself (flagged on
the main tier). Like Patti, I am anticipating problems in the frequent cases
of utterances with more than one deictic.

I raised this question a couple of years or so ago on Chibolts and got some
answers which didn't really address my concerns: this I realised was because
my question had not been formulated with sufficient clarity. Indeed, the
issue is complicated, and might possibly be specific to cross-language
studies, such as ours are - perhaps Patti would be kind enough just to
confirm I have interpreted her question correctly, and that we both have the
same concern.

Again thanks for raising it : the research season (i.e. end of teaching and
examining year) is about to start here (France), and I am dusting off the
files and trying to remember where I was... I look foward to being able to
forge ahead in the summer holidays if we get this one straightened out.

Charles Watkins

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Patti Spinner <pattispinner at>
À : Info-ChiBolts at <Info-ChiBolts at>
Date : lundi 12 mai 2003 14:51
Objet : Coordinating tiers with CLAN

>I'm using CHAT and CLAN for the first time, and I'm trying to figure out
>best to code transcripts of second-language production for use of
>determiners.  I want to code separate tiers for %mor, %syn, and %err.  A
>problem seems to arise when there are multiple determiners in a speaker's
>turn.  If I code two or more instances on one tier, then how will the
>program know which %mor coding belongs with which %err coding (i.e., which
>determiner)?  I need to be able to retrieve a single determiner's %err,
>and %syn information simultaneously to check for correlations, etc.
>I have considered simply making duplicates of each turn that has multiple
>determiners and then coding only one determiner for each copy, but this
>doesn't seem like the best way.  Does anyone have a suggestion for coding
>and/or analyzing the data so that this is not necessary?
>Patti Spinner
>University of Pittsburgh
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