"mor" on macintosh

camilla bardel camilla.bardel at fraita.su.se
Wed Feb 4 12:20:54 UTC 2004

Dear Brian and others,
we have problems using mor on Mac OS10, both with
Clan9 and Clan 10. Until now we have worked with mor
on a PC without problems, but now we wanted to go over
to macintosh and tried it on two different machines,
without succes.
When we try to apply mor the following message comes

Can't open either one of the dep-files:
  "depfile.cut", "", "Macintosh
Check to see if lib directory is set correctly.
Lib directory can be set in commands window.

> check  @
Can't open either one of the dep-files:
  "depfile.cut", "", "Macintosh
Check to see if lib directory is set correctly.
Lib directory can be set in commands window.

Do you have an idea about what has gone wrong?

Thanks in advance,
Camilla Bardel & Anna Gudmundson

Camilla Bardel
Institutionen för Franska och Italienska
Stockholms Universitet
106 91 Stockholm
tel. 0046-08-16 35 88

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