Bug report on WDLEN & Statfreq

Leonid Spektor spektor at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Nov 30 23:22:51 UTC 2007


     We are having a workshop here, so I will not be able to work on this
until Monday.


On 30-11-07 11:35, "Florence Chenu" <Florence.Chenu at univ-lyon2.fr> wrote:

> OUPS ! I had omitted to attach one file
> ****************
> Dear Leonid,
> When I run the wdlen command, accented characters (à è ê ù etc.) count for
> two.
> And the statfreq program does not send accented characters to excel
> appropriately.
> *******************************
>           WDLEN
> *******************************
>> wdlen @
> wdlen @
> Fri Nov 30 17:20:49 2007
> wdlen (07-Mar-2007) is conducting analyses on:
>   ALL speaker tiers
> ****************************************
> From file <d:\workingflo\formation_childes\BUGAccents.cha>
> Number of words of each length in characters
>            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14   Mean
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> *SBJ:     16  47  24  24  20   5  13  14  11  13   5   5   2   1   4.97
> Number of words of each of these morpheme lengths
>            1   Mean
> -------------------
> *SBJ:    200   1.00
> Number of utterances of each of these lengths in morphemes
>            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12   Mean
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> *SBJ:      0   2   4   4   6   6   1   3   3   1   2   1   6.06
> Number of utterances of each of these lengths in words
>            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12   Mean
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> *SBJ:      0   2   4   4   6   6   1   3   3   1   2   1   6.06
> *******************************
>           STATFREQ
> *******************************
> See attached File stat.ou0.sat.cex
> Excel reads "é" as "é"
> And do you know if it will be possible (and easy) to use CLAN on a Vista OS ?
> Thanks,
> Florence.

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