help please with unix MOR?

Leonid Spektor spektor at
Mon Aug 25 20:28:20 UTC 2008


    Mor lexicon is not distributed with CLAN program. You need to download
the lexicon separately from URL:

After you unzip lexicon directory you can put in inside:


So, for example "english" lexicon, should be located at:


This is where mor looks for lexicon by default. If you put lexicon in other
directory or if you get other lexicon, for example "spanish", then you can
use "+l" option to specify the full directory path to mor program. So, if
you have spanish lexicon in directory:


Then here is the command line you would use:

mor +l"/wherever/elsewhere/spanish" 11222148.cha


On 25-08-08 15:56, "Melissa" <melissa.c.sherman at> wrote:

> hello-
> I have been trying to get the MOR program working on my linux box. I
> have downloaded CLAN, and installed it, making sure to change the
>         #define DEPDIR  "/Volumes/pooch/clanW/(lib)/"
> to
>         #define DEPDIR  "/wherever/unix-clan/lib/"
> in the common.h file. I get it to compile with an older compiler, and
> everything seems alright. When I try to run the MOR program, it tells
> me that it can't open the ar.cut file. After looking in the manual, I
> tried to create a MORLIB path in my .bashrc to point MOR to the right
> spot, but I get the same error message.  (error included below)
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Thanks, Melissa
> $ ~/lang_imp/unix-clan/unix/bin/mor 11222148.cha
> /users/mesh/lang_imp/unix-clan/unix/bin/mor: /usr/local/gcc400/lib/
> no version information available (required by /users/
> mesh/lang_imp/unix-clan/unix/bin/mor)
> mor 11222148.cha
> Mon Aug 25 14:43:12 2008
> mor (09-Jun-2008) is conducting analyses on:
>   ALL speaker tiers
>     and those speakers' ALL dependent tiers
>   and ALL header tiers
> ****************************************
> From file <11222148.cha> to file <11222148.mor.cex>
> can't open file ar.cut
>  quitting
> > 

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