FREQ on %mor line

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Thu Jan 24 18:27:46 UTC 2008

Dear ChiBolts,
    Searches for material on the %mor line can be quite tricky.  So,  
Leonid implemented a method
that takes advantage of the structure of lexical forms on this line.   
If you type "freq +s@" at the command
line, you will see how this works.   Here is what you see, when you  
type this.  As you see, it
provides ways of search for stems, suffixes, etc.  I think the best  
way to understand this is just to
look at the examples given at the end.

--Brian MacWhinney

 > freq +s@

+s@ Followed by file name or morpho-syntax
Morpho-syntax search pattern
     # prefix marker
     | part-of-speech
     r stem of the word
     - suffix marker
     & nonconcatenated morpheme
     = English translation for the stem
   followed by - and  <--does not apply to contractions (~)
     * find any match
     % erase any match
     word -find "word"

     ~ contractions
   followed by - and
     * find ONLY contractions
     + find contractions and other matches
     % erase any match

For example:
     +t%mor -t* +s"@r-*,o-%"
   find all stems and erase all other markers
     +t%mor -t* +s"@r-*,|-adv,o-%"
   find all stems of all "adv" and erase all other markers
     +t%mor -t* +s"@r-be"
   find all forms of "be" verb
     +t%mor -t* +s"@r-*,|-*,--%,o-%"
   find all stems, parts-of-speech followed by any suffix and erase  
suffix and other markers


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