Crash unexpected with CLAN

Leonid Spektor spektor at
Tue Jan 6 19:27:08 UTC 2009


    I never heard of exactly the same case as enumerated by points 1), 2),
3). But, we have had several report of similar type. One had to do with new
version of QuickTime that I never tested CLAN with. CLAN worked fine, they
updated QuickTime and CLAN stopped working. The second one had to do with
the fact that computer had multiple versions of QuickTime installed, due to
failure of new QuickTime installation to properly remove previous versions,
so the conflict of multiple version crashed CLAN. There was one case in
which CLAN tried to display movie window outside the desktop/screen. In most
cases the problem is with bad installation of QuickTime. In last case the
problem with CLAN's preferences being corrupted somehow. One suggestion that
I always make is to first uninstall previous version of any software you are
updating. Only then install new version, it will take more time, but often
installers fail to properly uninstall previous version and this causes
problems later on. If CLAN's preference are corrupted, then you can move or
delete them. On Windows PC they are located in either "c:\windows\CLAN" or
"c:\winnt\CLAN" folder. In the end if non of this help, then the only thing
I do recommend is to re-install windows OS. I've never discovered anything
specific, other than CLAN and QuickTime, that could cause the crash, but
re-installing OS always helped.


On 06-01-09 03:57, "Christophe Parisse" <cparisse at> wrote:

> Hi Leonid
> I will see with my student when she will be able to bring me her computer.
> The strange thing with her computer was that everything was working well and
> then suddenly, no files were working anymore, no just a single file. I will
> see with her.
> But my question was also whether you just encountered before a problem where
> 1) CLAN works, 2) QuickTime works, 3) calling F4 in CLAN caused CLAN to
> crash (the crash was visibly at the moment the video windows started to
> appear). I ask this because last year when my college had this problem I was
> totally unable to solve the problem, even with installing new or old
> versions of CLAN or QuickTime ! The problem was of course that it was
> impossible to reinstall completely the system because the computer was
> prepared by the university team and well ... when there are so many people
> involved nothing is possible.
> So my question was whether, outside version problems for CLAN and QuickTime
> which I don't think are the reason for the problem, did you ever met that
> sort of problem and do you have any idea about the nature of the problem.
> Many thanks
> Christophe
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : chibolts at [mailto:chibolts at] De la part
> de Leonid Spektor
> Envoyé : lundi 5 janvier 2009 22:49
> À : chibolts at
> Objet : Re: Crash unexpected with CLAN
> Christophe,
>     I have just tried the latest version of CLAN 02-Jan-2009 on our vista
> machine and it worked fine. We have QuickTime 7.5.5 installed on that
> machine and I was using our test sample. If your student's vista machine has
> newer version of QuickTime, then let me know. I am also assuming that your
> student is using the latest version of CLAN. The last variable that we need
> to synchronize is the test sample. You can download our test sample for
> video at this URL:
> Please, make sure that all three variables are the same on your end as they
> are on our and try CLAN again. Let me know what happens. I can try to
> further diagnose the problem after that.
> Leonid.
> P.S. Please reply to me directly at this point, because this might take a
> while to resolve.
> On 05-01-09 12:26, "Christophe Parisse" <cparisse at> wrote:
>> Dear Leonid
>> I wish you and everybody at CHILDES an happy new year.
>> Unfortunately, I will begin with year with a problem with CLAN and
>> quicktime.
>> I have a student who was using CLAN normally with the videos. Every thing
>> was working normally up to a point when suddenly, when using F4 CLAN
> starts
>> to crash unexpectedly. And this behaviour is now permanent ! And vidéos
>> still work with quicktime and CLAN works fine without the videos (note
> that
>> I have a student who was never able to make CLAN + Quicktime work on her
>> computer so she had similar problems but from the start).
>> They are all using Vista.
>> Do you have any idea about the cause of this problem.
>> Many thanks
>> Christophe
> > 

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