Search Results Only Returning Part of Transcript

Leonid Spektor spektor at
Fri Apr 20 21:00:53 UTC 2012

	Do you actually have one long code "@|-v,|-v:cop,|-aux,|-aux:*,|-part,|-v:st,|-v:act,|-v:ev" anywhere in the transcript? If this is a list of multiple codes, then each code needs it's own +s option. If this doesn't help, then please send to me directly one file that demonstrated the failure of kwal search.


On Apr 20, 2012, at 16:04, ISU Child Language Lab wrote:

> Hello! I was unable to find this question in any of the previous
> discussions or the user manuals, so please forgive me if this issue
> has already been dealt with.
> When running kwal searches on transcripts for verb codes on the %mor
> tier, the search is not returning results from the entire transcript.
> The following is a line of the search program I have been running
> (v:st, v:act, and v:ev are our own codes to identify state, atelic
> nonstate, and telic nonstate verbs, respectively):
> kwal  @ +t%mor: +s"@|-v,|-v:cop,|-aux,|-aux:*,|-part,|-v:st,|-v:act,|-
> v:ev"
> Similar searches on multiple transcripts have returned results from
> lines 200 and on to lines 500 and on, but display no results from
> early in the transcript, where incidences of the search terms do
> indeed exist.
> Thank you for your help!
> -- 
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