phrasal verbs

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Wed Mar 7 17:16:59 UTC 2012

Dear ChiBolts,
    I think that my reply to Emilie Riguel's query about phrasal verbs did not get posted.  So, I am repeating it here.

Dear Emilie,
     One simple way of looking for phrasal verbs this is to compose a list of the 200 or so most frequent phrasal verbs and use those as search strings.  The COMBO string for "put on" on the main line would be:
combo +s"put*^*^on" *.cha
You may find some irrelevant things, but mostly the results will be relevant.  Of course, you would need one of these for
each phrasal verb.  The alternative is to look on the %mor line using
combo +t%mor +s"v|*^*^adv"
or things like that, but this will find far too many irrelevant things.  So I would recommend sticking with the first method.  You can compose a batch file of your combo commands, if you wish.  
   Of course, if you confine your searches to just the children, you will find much fewer phrasal verbs than if your searches include the parents.

-- Brian MacWhinney

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