changes in CLAN

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Thu May 31 08:30:43 UTC 2012

Dear ChiBolts,

    I wanted to note a couple of recent changes to CLAN.  Some of these relate to increased details in errors detected by CHECK.  Of particular interest is the fact that CHECK now examines the time values in the bullets that link to audio or video.  It complains if a speaker overlaps with him/herself.  It also complains if an utterance begins before the previous utterance.  
   The other major changes in CLAN involve the addition of three new programs: MORtable, MEASURES, and EVAL.  These are all designed to run over a collection of files and produce an output that can be directly processed by Excel.  MORtable takes it's data from the %mor line.  MEASURES focuses on information such as MLU, TTR, # Utterances, #Words, Pauses, Total Duration, and so on.  EVAL combines features of MEASURES and MORTable to provide an overall characterization of a subject.
-- Brian MacWhinney

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