English %mor revisions

Brian MacWhinney macw at cmu.edu
Sat Feb 15 23:14:56 UTC 2014

Dear CHIBolts,

    Over a week ago, I send out an email describing changes to the way the English %mor line codes participles.  We have now made a second major change to the English %mor line (as well as the English MOR grammar).  This change was designed to get rid of the distinction between "co" (communicator) and "int" (interjection).  In practice, it is impossible to draw this line and merging the two has good consequences for syntactic analysis.  During the process of merging these categories, we also carefully modified forms that were inappropriately being treated as compounds with the plus notation to multimorpheme forms with underscores.  For example, thank+you was changed to thank_you and oh+my+gosh was changed to oh_my_gosh.  After this was done, we retrained the POST disambiguator and reran MOR on all of the morphologically tagged English files.
     We are also working on retrainilng the GRASP dependency grammar analyzer and on fixing some problems in the Spanish MOR.

Best regards,

-- Brian MacWhinney

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