Error Message: Current BEG time is smaller than previous tier BEG time

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Tue Mar 31 20:29:25 UTC 2015

In addition to the idea of deleting all bullets which Leonid mentions, there is a way to tell CHECK to ignore your problems with bullets. This is to include an Options line that reads:

@Options:     bullets

This line has to precede the first @ID line, after the @Participants line.  If you include this exemption, CHECK will be happy, but your data will not play correctly in sequence.  I think this only applies in the case that your are at least conforming with the idea that each transcript links to a single media file.  

The best approach is to fix the misalignment either by changing the time values in the bullets and reordering the transcript, if necessary.

—Brian MacWhinney

> On Mar 31, 2015, at 4:03 PM, Leonid Spektor <spektor at> wrote:
> Allison,
> 	The transcript's tiers have to be in an increasing time order. It is not allowed to have different parts from different time trials  Also, since the bullet times are different, I have to assume that those different trial tiers are associated with different media files. Each CHAT transcript can only have one media file associated with it. So, what you did will not let you playback bullets correctly. If different trials from which you copied and pasted tiers are all referencing the same media file, then you need to assemble those trial samples in the right order within your compilation file.  If you do not care about playing bullets in this compilation of different trials file, then you can just delete all bullets from the file using  "Edit->Replace" menu. In the "Replace String" dialog put text cursor in the "Replace" field and click on "insert Bullet" button. Next click "Replace all" button and CLAN will remove all bullets from the file. Now CHECK will not complain about bullets.
> Leonid.
> On Mar 31, 2015, at 15:40, Nan Ratner Lab <nanratnerlab at <mailto:nanratnerlab at>> wrote:
>> Thank you for your quick response!  I think the problem is that the transcripts we are working with are a compilation of different trials copied and pasted into one file.  After reading your message, we tried to edit the bullet numbers, but it seems that there are many bullet times that do not correspond since the files were copied and pasted in.  Is there an easier solution than re-numbering all of the bullets from the copied file?  I have included an example of the issue below.
>> Example:
>> *SUB: <he was> [//] he loved going to the casino and playing the slot
>> machines.  •797965_803733•
>> *SUB: he was on the slot machines three hours 0 [=! vocalizes]. •803733_806725•
>> @Eg: Run1
>> @Bg: Run2
>> *SUB: so Butch and his sister Sally went to the playground uh at fp looking
>> for some fun. •123817_158243•
>> *SUB: and they decided to play on the <&see> [//] seesaw so Butch got on
>> one side.
>> *SUB: Sally got on the other side and immediately they saw
>> the problem. •158243_165974•
>> On Monday, March 30, 2015 at 9:49:32 PM UTC-4, Spektor, Leonid: CMU wrote:
>> Allison,
>> 	This error only effects two tiers. There is no need to rebullet the whole file. The error is the result of time information within a bullets violating normal time progression. Following example will demonstrate the problem:
>> *FAT:	and what are you asking for ? •0_2312•
>> *ROS:	alert [!] alert ! •2312_3715•
>> *FAT:	alert means like it's time for a fire alert . •2310_6937•
>> The last *FAT tier has BEG time within it's bullet set to 2310 msecs, but the previous *ROS tier has BEG time set to 2312 msecs which is 2 msecs later than *FAT tier's 2310 msecs. This means that either those two speakers should be placed in different order like this:
>> *FAT:	and what are you asking for ? •0_2312•
>> *FAT:	alert means like it's time for a fire alert . •2310_6937•
>> *ROS:	alert [!] alert ! •2312_3715•
>> or the time BEG value of either speaker's bullets adjusted slightly to make sure that it complies with normal time flow, like this:
>> *FAT:	and what are you asking for ? •0_2312•
>> *ROS:	alert [!] alert ! •2312_3715•
>> *FAT:	alert means like it's time for a fire alert . •2312_6937•
>> You can open data file that has this error with CLAN, then locate the tier that causes the error and select menu "Mode->Expand bullets" or press ESC-a keys. This will display the time values within bullets and it will let you edit them by hand. 
>> Leonid.
>> On Mar 30, 2015, at 19:02, Nan Ratner Lab <nanrat... at <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Our lab has been cleaning up transcription files using CHECK in order to run some analyses and a couple of the members have been receiving error messages that read, "Current BEG time is smaller than previous tier BEG time". We were not sure if this would require them to rebullet the entire file or if there was an easier way to fix this.  Any help is appreciated!
>>> Thank you,
>>> Allison Catalano 
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