Windows CLAN and QuickTime

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Sun Jul 10 20:17:40 UTC 2016

Dear ChiBolts and Info-CHILDES,

Over a month ago, I sent out a message pointing out that Leonid has largely finished reprogramming of Windows CLAN to rely on Windows Media Player instead of QuickTime.  This change was necessitated by the fact that Apple had dropped support for Windows QuickTime and had advised people that using it represented a security leak.
In the earlier message, I said that Windows CLAN was working except for the Walker Controller feature.  Evidently, some people interpreted the message from a month ago as saying that Windows CLAN was not yet working.  In fact, it was already working for everything except Walker Controller and that feature is now also working in the current version.
So, the bottom line is that Windows CLAN works as before, but now by using Windows Media Player instead of QuickTime.  So, if you need to use CLAN on Windows, please make sure you get a current version.

-- Brian MacWhinney

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