how to use the cut file to include and exclude words with freq

Janet Bang janet.bang at
Fri Dec 14 20:57:39 UTC 2018

Hi Leonid,

Thank you for the clarification and the additional code for the lemmas!
That should work for us.


On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 9:02 PM Leonid Spektor <spektor at>

> Janet,
> The problem with your '+s”[- eng]” +s at english.cut' command is that the
> +s”[- eng]” option tell FREQ to only look on utterances that have "[- eng]"
> pre-code. So if words from "english.cut" file are not present on utterances
> with "[- eng]" pre-code, then those word will not be found.
> The command "freq +u +o3 +f +l +s*@s:eng" is the right choice. If you want
> lemmas, then you need to add "+sm;*,o% +d7" options. Try command:
> freq +u +o3 +f +l +sm;*,o% +s*@s:eng +d7
> If this doesn't work, then please email to me directly some sample file of
> your data to see what FREQ has to work with.
> Leonid.
> On Dec 13, 2018, at 19:40, Janet Bang <jbang at> wrote:
> Hello,
> We have questions about how to use cut files with freq.
> We have a list of words we want to exclude from our freq count, and other
> times include in our freq count.
> When we exclude, our command is the following below. With this command we
> would like a count of lemmas on the %mor line, excluding utterances with
> the english precode, and excluding a list of additional english words in
> our cut file. This code appears to work fine on our test files.
> freq +f +u +o3 +sm;*,o% -s”[- eng]” -s at english.cut @
> english.cut file set up:
> co|please
> co|thank_you
> However, in another command we would like to get a freq count on lemmas
> for only those utterances with [- eng]  AND including the same words in the
> cut file (This would give us a count of all english words in the file,
> those in english-only utterances and single words). We've tried the
> following command, but this only provides lemmas on the [- eng] lines and
> does not include the words in the cut file.
> freq +f +u +o3 +sm;*,o% +s”[- eng]” +s@ <s at english.cut>english.cut
> <s at english.cut> @
> Does the command or cut file need to written differently if I want to now
> include those words in my freq count? We know that another option could be
> to tag all the words in the cut file with an @s and use the following
> command below, but we were trying out other possibilities.
> freq +u +o3 +f +l +s*@s:eng @
> Thank you in advance,
> Janet
> --
> Janet Y. Bang, Ph.D.
> Postdoctoral Fellow
> Department of Psychology
> Stanford University
> jbang at
> --
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