question about CHIP
Janet Bang
janet.bang at
Mon Jan 4 22:01:54 UTC 2021
Hi Leonid,
This breakdown was very helpful, as well as knowing that the source
utterance was counted in these cases.
I've tested this out now on a few files and it appears to be consistent
where any utterances without a %mor line (e.g., &=vocalizes, or
phonological fragments) are counted within the utterance window.
On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 2:35 AM Leonid Spektor <spektor at>
> Hi Janet,
> I have to say first that I did not write CHIP command, so I don't know
> what it suppose to do. What is does, however, is to acknowledge all
> utterances, but it also ignores a child speaker if it has no words like:
> *CHI: &=vocalizes . In this case utterance *MOT: a_ver venga . is still
> attributed to child speaker *CHI: hmm .
> So, the window count is as follow, for better or for worse:
> *CHI: hmm .
> 1-> *MOT: (es)to se [/] se arruina hijo y después ya no se pueden ver .
> 2-> *MOT: se rallan todas .
> 3-> *MOT: a_ver cuál otras allá ?
> 4-> *CHI: &=vocalizes .
> 5-> *MOT: a_ver venga .
> Leonid.
> On Sep 25, 2020, at 02:44, Janet Bang <janet.bang at> wrote:
> Hi Leonid,
> Got it! I think 5 still is ok for us, but I was reviewing other sections
> and noticed that some %adu tiers weren't showing up within 5. For example,
> in the examples below, wouldn't there be additional utterances (noted
> below) with %adu tiers to be within 5 of the CHI source utterance?
> Thanks!
> Janet
> @G: start
> *CHI: hmm .
> %mor: co|hmm .
> *MOT: (es)to se [/] se arruina hijo y después ya no se pueden ver .
> %mor: pro:dem|esto=this_one pro:refl|se=itself v|arruina-3S&PRES=ruin
> n|hijo-m=child coord|y=and adv|después=after adv|ya=already
> adv|no=no pro:refl|se=itself v|pode-3P&PRES=can inf|ve-INF=see .
> *%adu: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00*
> *MOT: se rallan todas .
> %mor: pro:refl|se=itself v|ralla-3P&PRES=grate pro:indef|todo-f-PL=all .
> *%adu: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00*
> *MOT: a_ver cuál otras allá ?
> %mor: co|a_ver pro:int|cuál=which det:indef|otro-f-PL=other
> adv|allá=there ?
> *%adu: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00*
> *CHI: &=vocalizes .
> *MOT: a_ver venga .
> %mor: co|a_ver co|venga=come_on .
> *%adu: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00*
> *MOT: hmm le voy a amarrar el zapato . *<- would we expect a %adu tier
> here?*
> %mor: co|hmm pro:ind|le=him v|i-1S&PRES=go aprep|a=to inf|amarra-INF=hitch
> det:art|el&m&SG=the n|zapato&m=shoe .
> *CHI: no .
> @End
> @G: start
> *CHI: todo .
> %mor: det:indef|todo-m=all .
> *CHI: ey &=hums .
> %mor: co|ey .
> *MOT: &=laughs .
> *MOT: ay mi chiquitito .
> %mor: co|ay=ay det:poss|mi=my adj|chico-DIM-DIM=small .
> *%adu: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00*
> *MOT: tiene sueñito ?
> %mor: v|tene-3S&PRES=have n|sueño&m-DIM=dream ?
> *%adu: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00*
> *CHI: &m .
> *MOT: quiere leche ?
> %mor: v|quere-3S&PRES=want n|leche&f=milk ?
> *%adu: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00*
> *MOT: hmm ? *<- would we expect a %adu tier here?*
> %mor: co|hmm ?
> *MOT: quiere lechita ?* <- would we expect a %adu tier here?*
> %mor: v|quere-3S&PRES=want n|leche&f-DIM=milk ?
> *MOT: ey no ha tomado lechita pápa .
> %mor: co|ey adv|no=no aux|habe-3S&PRES=have part|toma-PPART-m=take
> n|leche&f-DIM=milk n|pápa .
> *MOT: &=laughs .
> @End
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 11:21 PM Leonid Spektor <spektor at>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The default window within child source is 5, that is the response plus 5
>> previous utterances. If you want to increase that window, then you can use
>> +q6 option. I know that in Usage +qN says that range is 2-7, but the way
>> the CHIP was designed the top +q number is 6. Unfortunately there is no way
>> to make window size bigger, because that is just the limitation of the
>> command design.
>> Leonid.
>> On Sep 24, 2020, at 00:30, Janet Bang <janet.bang at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using CHIP with the default parameters, and I came across a segment
>> of utterances where I couldn't figure out why the last two MOT utterances
>> didn't have %adu tiers - they seemed to be within 7 utterances of the child
>> (source)?
>> Below is the output and the command I ran was: chip +cCHI +bMOT +f +t@
>> -ns -nc
>> Any help would be appreciated!
>> Thanks!
>> Janet
>> Output:
>> @G
>> *CHI: ya !
>> %mor: adv|ya=already !
>> *MOT: ya .
>> %mor: adv|ya=already .
>> *%adu: $EXA:ya $EXACT $DIST = 1 $REP = 1.00*
>> *MOT: (es)tá ve .
>> %mor: cop|esta-3S&PRES=be co|ve=see .
>> *%adu: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00*
>> *MOT: vamo(s) a guardar .
>> %mor: v|i-1P&PRES=go aprep|a=to inf|guarda-INF=guard .
>> *%adu: $NO_REP $REP = 0.00*
>> *MOT: &eh no ya no le pique hijo .
>> %mor: adv|no=no adv|ya=already adv|no=no pro:ind|le=him
>> v|pica-13S&SUB&PRES=prick/dive co:voc|hijo=child .
>> *%adu: $EXA:ya $ADD:no $ADD:no-le-pique-hijo $EXPAN $DIST = 4 $REP = 0.17*
>> *MOT: oh ya lo apago ?
>> %mor: co|oh=oh adv|ya=already pro:obj|lo&m=him v|apaga-1S&PRES=turn_off ?
>> *%adu: $EXA:ya $ADD:oh $ADD:lo-apago $EXPAN $DIST = 5 $REP = 0.25**MOT:
>> entonces ya no va a poder a ver la movie at s .
>> %mor: adv|entonces=then adv|ya=already adv|no=no v|i-3S&PRES=go
>> aprep|a=to inf|pode-INF=can aprep|a=to inf|ve-INF=see
>> det:art|el&f&SG=the L2|movie .
>> *MOT: a_ver .
>> %mor: co|a_ver .
>> @End
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