COMBO Output in Excel (or CSV) Format?

LaTreese lhall046 at
Tue May 25 09:58:30 UTC 2021


I apologize if this has been answered before. (I have searched through 
prior chibolts conversations for the answer to this, but I am not finding a 
definitive answer)

I have transcripts with various tags on the speaker tiers. I am trying to 
get the frequency of one tag occurring with another tag and *have it 
exported to an excel (or csv) file*.

Right now I am using the combo code below to get any word tagged as number 
talk (z:num) that occurs in the same utterance as a whine (WH) for the 
target child:

this is an example of a coded utterance:

*CHN:   you have to carry the one at z:num. (WH)

and an example of the code I am using:

combo +t*CHN +s*z:num*^*^(WH) +d @

This gives me what I am looking for as far as the frequency of matched 
strings in the files, *but I do not know how to have it exported to an 
excel (or csv) file with the file name and frequency. Is this possible? *

Thank you so much,

LaTreese Hall

Florida International University

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