BC Archives Jargon URL & pics

Mike Cleven ironmtn at BIGFOOT.COM
Mon Dec 28 01:59:31 UTC 1998

I was just browsing through the searchable archives at
http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca and tried searching for Chinook words.
Found a couple of placenames I wasn't sure of before - a Tenas Mtn or Tenas
Peak above Little Lillooet Lake (south of Pemberton); two pics - and a
"Skookum Wind Island" on Sproat Lake, which is in central Vancouver Island.
 Still looking for other bits.....

But stumbled across the Archives' own Chinook Jargon page, such as it is:


Pretty lame, but it's in a "Time Machine" exhibit for schools use; wish I
could get them to provide links to us, though....

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