Affective suffix -- "Steelhead"

Matthew Montchalin mmontcha at OREDNET.ORG
Tue Nov 10 15:36:39 UTC 1998

>I've _lived_ in a St'at'imc community and am in regular correspondence
>with them.  _They_ refer to "clans", rather than "local family groups",
>and have a strong sense of totem-animal identity with their "cousins".

Many "accidental" professors (and professor wannabees) embark upon
polysyllabification in order to make them (ah, themselves) look smarter (er,
ah, more intelligent and erudite), and although some might insist on saying
"local family groups" (count the cluster:  can you say six syllables?) for
clans, there may be just as much good reason to ignore them and their ways
in their foolishness.


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