Search: Gospel of John

Sat Oct 10 01:47:31 UTC 1998

At 02:05 PM 10/9/98 -0700, John Schilke wrote:
>Can anyone on the List help:  I wonder whether the Bible (or at least=20
>parts) have been translated into Chinook Jargon.  My particular search =
>for the Gospel according to St. John.
>I know that the Lord's Prayer and the Mass have been translated, but I =
>looking for other text.
>Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Replies via the List or privately=
>are most welcome.

The New Testament was translated in its virtual entirety by Father Durieu
of the Oblates; I am sure all four Gospels are included.  The translation
was reworked later on, but so far I have been unsuccessful in getting the
Oblates to examine their archives to look for the "lost" manuscripts.  In
the meantime, I _do_ know that the New Testament was reproduced in serial
form in Kamloops Wawa, albeit in shorthand-script format.  The pages I =
copied do not include any of the Gospels except for a bit of Mark; if you
can find a special collections division of a university library that has
the complete set, you'll still have to transliterate it back into Latin
script; the result will also be in the Kamloops Wawa
orthography/prononciation variant of "mainstream" Jargon....

Mike Cleven
ironmtn at

The thunderbolt steers all things.
                           - Herakleitos

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