Terry Glavin on this list?

Wed Sep 9 03:16:41 UTC 1998

At 07:33 PM 9/8/98 -0700, David Robertson wrote:
>Anybody know if Terry's gotten onto this list yet?  I suspect not =
>checked a recent membership roster though).  Please give him
>encouragement; our system's been giving him grief!  I'm very interested =
>getting a copy of his book.  Maybe he could bring some to the workshop?

I haven't spoken to him for a week or two, but I can call him if he =
respond to this in case he's still unsubscribed......

>That's an idea for all of you who have publications relating to CJ that
>you could sell at the gathering.  Where better to find buyers?

I'm bringing at least six copies of Tekahionwake (Pauline Johnson)'s
"Legends of Vancouver", which is in a VERY nice reprint lately.  If y'all
speak up now and for sure want some I can arrange to have some more on
hand; they're beautiful books and if you're not familiar with this
collection of stories - you should be.  She also uses Jargon words
throughout her story-telling.  I'm also trying to see if I can scrape up
(very hard-to-find) copies of Irene Edwards' "Short Portage to =

Terry's going to bring some of his Chinook book for sure, and I've
suggested he bring some of his "Death Feast at Dimlahamid" and =
the Unconquered Country".  I imagine there'll be a few copies of the =
of Essay Magazine that had his Chinook-English poem "Rain Language"
published in it.

I was half-thinking of inviting the store I'm ordering the Pauline =
books from to run an ad or have a table or something at the workshop; but=
think she'll be busy running her store anyway (but will be glad to take
orders).  I don't know her - I just found her store in my neighbourhood
recently and she had some of the Pauline Johnson books.


Mike Cleven

Mike Cleven
ironmtn at bigfoot.com

The thunderbolt steers all things.
                           - Herakleitos

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