Jargon Workshop: Reminder about crossing the border

jeffkopp at att.net jeffkopp at att.net
Wed Sep 16 19:56:54 UTC 1998

Klahowya!  For the workshop attendees:

I am packing up to go today, and just remembered I am indeed leaving the
U.S. (golly!) so I should bring some citizenship I.D. with me.  When I
lived in Seattle there was never any problem getting back and forth by =
we just sailed through, so I never thought about it.  But a couple years
ago I few to Winnipeg and had an awkward moment at U.S. Immigration in
Vancouver on the way back, as all I had on me was my driver's license and
credit cards.  (A cranky young officer let me catch my plane after =
me, perhaps because my wife--who had her green card on her--was in a

So a birth certificate is recommended for those lacking passports,
especially if you're flying, but if you don't have it handy, I have heard
an SS card and/or voter's registration is good enough.

See you there!



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