(no subject)

David Lewis coyotez at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Tue Jun 8 17:02:50 UTC 1999

Can someone help this man out? I do not know this person but other people
on this list may know better what to do.
David Lewis

>Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 22:04:04 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Imhiv0 at aol.com
>Subject: (no subject)
>X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 13
>Dear Mr. Lewis,
>I'm trying to verify the authenticity of a Chinook Blessing Litany I found
>a book entitled "Temple Wilderness", Willow Creek Press, 1996.  I'm
>working on a news paper tabloid and we would like to use this litany if
>possible.  I couldn't get permission to use the text from Willow Creek Press
>for unknown reasons.  But I thought if this litany was from an oral
>or available through some other source, it should be possible to use it.
>After all, anyone can quote the Lord's Prayer from the Bible without even
>asking for permission.
>	Anyway, I was hoping that you could give me some advice on this
>matter or perhaps recommend someone that I might contact who represents the
>Chinooks and might know of this litany.
>	The litany begins a follows:
>We call upon the earth, our planet home, with its beautiful depths and
>soaring heights, its vitality and abundance of life, and together we ask
>	Teach us, and show us the Way.
>We call upon the mountains, the Cascades and the Olympics, the high green
>valleys and meadows filled with wild flowers, the snows that never melt, the
>summits of intense silence, and we ask that they
>	Teach us, and show us the Way.
>This continues for six more stanzas.  It is quite beautiful and very
>powerful.  If we can use this litany, it will be the highlight of a full
>color, center page and be seen by at least 65,000 people. Thanks for you
>	Sincerely,  Harry Massoth

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