Ana! Doctin chaku hyiu (Ouch. Too many doctors.)

Nadja Adolf nadolf at SPYGLASS.COM
Tue Feb 8 20:31:26 UTC 2000

Walkie sun, na klatawa moxt doctin kumtux skin.
Talkie sun, na klatawa kapa doctin kumtux la tah. Yaka mitwhit chapo kapa
ikt tooth.
Alki, na klatawa kapa doctin kumtux tum tum. Yaka kumtux kapa kwolan naika
wawa pe doctin yaka tikki kumtux ka wawa.
Hyiu chaku hyiu doctin. Naika klahowyum.

Yesterday, I went to two doctors who know about skin.
Tomorrow, I go to the dentist. He will stand a crown on a tooth.
Later, I go to the cardioligist. Him hear my heart talk, and this doctor
want to know
why/what it means.
Too many doctors. I am miserable and low.

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