Domestic stuff

Nadja Adolf nadolf at SPYGLASS.COM
Thu Feb 10 19:07:38 UTC 2000

Spose wawa halo chaku memaloose yaka munk klap wa kopa chee iktas.
If the trade language is not to die, it must find words for new things.

Halo naika kumtux hyas kopa wawa, keschi naika tikki yaka halo chaku

I don't know a lot about the trade language, but I don't want it to die.

Hyiu wawa kopa ahnkuttie iktas; wake hyiu kopa alta pe alki iktas.

There are many words for old things, but few for modern and future things.

Naika tEmtEm peshak wawa yaka chaku kahkwa alta kopa ikt kopet klipswalla wa
kopa Boston WaWa pe Dutchman wawas.

I think it is bad if the trade language becomes modern only by stealing
words from American English and other European languages.


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