Domestic stuff

janilta janilta at J.EMAIL.NE.JP
Sat Feb 12 00:58:29 UTC 2000


As you said, for political and linguistic reasons, Israel and Iceland
(both have linguistic authorities) try indeed to keep a quite pure
written form of their language, even if the spoken variant has much more
foreign borrowings. The discussion in the Icelandic parliament for
months about a proper and indigenous term for 'AIDS' was actually an
interesting example of such efforts...
Finland is less so, even if the numerous borrowings in Finnish (from
Swedish, etc, but obviously much less than in English) have been
modified in such a way that they are not apparent at first.
The word for computer in Icelandic is 'tolva' (umlaut on the 'o') made
out of 'tala' (numeral) and 'volva' (she-prophet). I don't know 'sor'.
Both Icelandic and Hebrew have a convenient derivation system to build
neologisms... unfortunately not CW...

Regards, Yann.

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