ku'uytEn 'horse'

janilta janilta at J.EMAIL.NE.JP
Sat Jan 8 06:33:28 UTC 2000

Hello, Phil,

And thanks for these interesting messages.
I have found in 'American Indian Languages' (University of Arizona
Press) another example of borrowing from Castellano (Spanish) 'caballo'
: 'kaw' in Mountain Pima.
In the same book, they mention Comanche as meaning extension for new
concepts as 'tihiya', 'deer', taking the meaning 'horse', '?a-tika',
'horned-food', eventually becoming 'deer'...
Could it be possible that CJ 'moos-moos' being associated with
Algonquian 'moosu' ('he trims') which eventually became English 'moose'
The track of French 'cochon' (pig) through the West plains could also be
interesting... (Sioux 'kooshoo', CJ 'co-sho')...

Regards, Yann.

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