Inappropriateness of "savages" as a school emblem?

janilta janilta at J.EMAIL.NE.JP
Sun Jul 9 19:19:05 UTC 2000

Hello, Mike,

According to the brilliant 'les autochtones du Quebec' (Alain Beaulieu,
Editions Fides 1997), the term used in Quebec is 'les Autochtones'
(Ameridiens, Inuit(s) et Metis) as you mentioned, as well as the more PC
'premieres nations' (or 'nations autochtones').
For us French (and it is apparently the case also in Quebec), the word
'sauvage' is a clear reference to the 'Frontier' situation in a
North-american context. Even if it is apparently not very positive a
term, I do not feel it being very derogatory (but it may be felt like
this by Native Amerindians of course). Maybe it is due to its 'wild'
meaning as you mentioned, or because there is in French history (epoque
des Lumieres)/culture a very positive image of 'les bons sauvages' (ie
pure populations untouched by the evil sides of civilization).

Cheers, Yann.

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