No subject

Theresa Kishkan tkishkan at UNISERVE.COM
Fri Oct 13 17:27:28 UTC 2000

Hello all,

The Oxford English Dictionary is working on an entry
for MOCOTAUGAN,  a kind
knife with an upcurving blade used in making snowshoes,
fur stretchers,
and woodwork.  They are trying to determine if this
word is still current at
all.  Obviously it's not really something that is part
of southern Canadian
urban culture so I've never heard of it but that
doesn't mean it's not being
used somewhere. If any of you could tell me
a) if the word is still used
b) if the knife is still used but called something
that would be very helpful. What would be even better
would be if you could
provide us with actual quotations from printed sources
using the word.
feel free to pass this email on to anyone who you think
might be able to
the question.

Many thanks

Katherine Barber
The Canadian Oxford Dictionary
Oxford University Press
70 Wynford Drive
Don Mills, Ontario M3C 1J9
Phone: 416-441-2941 x.2560
Fax: 416-441-0345
Email: kpb at

Visit the Canadian Oxford Dictionary Web site at


Theresa Kishkan
RR1 Site 20 C11
Madeira Park, B.C.
V0N 2H0
Red Laredo Boots (1996); Sisters of Grass (2000)

"This is the old west where a secret cove with an old house
  is called history, a raven cackling on a limb, mythology."
                                            --Charles Lillard

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