"Mountain boomer" & Jargon

Dave Robertson tuktiwawa at NETSCAPE.NET
Mon Apr 30 00:03:11 UTC 2001

Lhush chandi-ubut, khanawi-lhaksta,

Na tiki wawa wEXt ixt-makwst ikta:

* In case it wasn't clear from my original posting of this, you can refer to
a currently happening discussion on the ADS-L list by checking out their
archives at the LINGUISTlist site.  (ADS-L = American Dialect Society.
Their list is extremely active, and I find it engrossing.)

* It's obvious we can ignore the "synonym" <Chehalis> below!  That must've
been copied by someone unversed in NW studies.

* However, I do want to ask our resident Chinookan experts about some of
the other synonyms listed.  (Rob Moore, is your email working?)  To wit:
     - <O-gwool-lal> looks perfectly Chinookan.  Does the form <She-wal-lal>

/Aplodontia rufa/, and  gives as
  other names for it: Mountain Beaver, Sewellel, Blue Muskrat, Ground
  Muskrat Beaver, Showt'l, Kick-willy, Giant Mole, Ou-ka-la, Haplodon,
  Aplodon, and Chehalis.
  He quotes Dr. Jas. G. Cooper:" 'The Chinook name for the animal itself is
  /O-gwool-lal./ /She-wal-lal/ (Sewellel, corrupt) is their name for the
  made of its skins.' "

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