Change in Tenas Wawa URL and my email

Jeffrey Kopp jeffkopp at QWEST.NET
Mon Jan 1 22:24:10 UTC 2001

Geocities has changed the way their GeoPlus web sites are addressed.
Originally the TW site was at  

Then for a year it would also work via the less-clumsy  

Now it can only be accessed at the latter one, WITHOUT the tilde. 
Unfortunately they did not warn me of this second change.  ( I
noticed when traffic dropped from 150+ a week to about zilch.)
I have notified the webmasters of all the sites I could find which
are linked to my site, but it will take months for the search engines
to incorporate the update.

So, if you have a page linked to mine and I didn't get to you, please
note this change, and if anyone reports the demise of the TW site,
such reports are premature!

My "personal" side of the site remains at

My email address has also changed due to the merger of USWest into
something difficult to type called Qwest.  (Aargh.)  My old email at still works, but eventually I will only be reachable as
jeffkopp at when they complete the phase-out of the old


Jeffrey Kopp

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