Chinook-wawa word search puzzle #4:  Eula Petite's words

Dave Robertson TuktiWawa at NETSCAPE.NET
Sun Jan 28 05:48:34 UTC 2001


Here is the fourth Chinook-wawa word search puzzle.  This one is for those of you who are more familiar with the writing system invented by Mrs. Eula (Hudson) Petite of Grand Ronde, Oregon about 35 years ago.

Print out and send your solutions to me:

Dave Robertson, 1024 W. 13th (#3), Spokane, WA, 99204-3809, USA

Please make sure your entry is postmarked by April 1st, 2001.

The person who finds the largest number of words will have a potlatch of $10 made in her or his name to the Chinuk Lu7lu Fund.

Good luck!
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